Sunday, September 19, 2010


We didn't subject Lily to any more modern art this week-end, but we did make her look at a really old wall. As you can see from Lily and Grace's short video above, we visited the only preserved Roman theatre wall in Europe (there are 2 others: one in Syria and the other in Turkey). It's located in Orange, a short train ride from Avignon. As is the "Arc de Triomphe" we visited, built to commemorate the Roman's victory over the Gauls in about 25 B.C. Both extremely impressive. It's hard to believe that they are still standing after so many hundreds of years. Naturally, using it as our base to play "Red Light, Green Light" was what impressed the under 10 crowd in our group.
Although 3 weeks ago I couldn't have imagined feeling cool here, Fall seems to be arriving in Provence. We got our first real feel of the Mistral winds that we have been reading and hearing about, and the beautiful blue skies they bring, during our visit to Orange. The word is that these winds that blow 50 to 90 km per hour for one third of the year are what drove Van Gogh to madness. I wonder what he would have thought about the months of grey and wet back home?


  1. Hip hip hooray for videos !! Smiled from ear to ear all the way through it. Bonjour Lily !! Grace you make a wonderful tour guide. What an amazing place. xo

  2. Hey all, I loved the video Grace and Lily are super cute as always. I laugh everytime I read your blog. You definitely have the makings of a great book...unlike the ones we read for The weather here has been crazy rain in the moring, sun in the afternoon and rain at night. This is definitely not our usual September weather, but as long as the sun makes an appearance I will not complain. I was looking at what Pro-d to sign up for this year and I was sad that you wouldn't be there. It definitely won't be the same without you, I guess I will have to be ontask...LOL. I miss you lots and enjoy hearing about all of your adventures. Take care, Lots of love,

  3. Ginger and Barry - These blogs mean so much to us, and what a treat to have a video to watch as well. I remember Orange from our trip around Southern France many years ago. The theatre probably impressed me more than anything else I saw.
    Can't wait to see where you take us all next!
    Mom XX

  4. Bonjour. I LOVE Lily's accent. And Grace's "Orange" sounded quite parisienne. Don't forget to teach them "Eh", they are Canadians after all.
    Your weather looks just like ours. We've been getting rain in the morning, sun in the afternoon and rain again at night.All the lawns are green once again.
    I'm slowly getting used to all-day K. It is quite the learning curve. I have 21 students in my class and am as tired as some of them by the end of the day.
    Do the kids in France go to a Pumpkin Patch? The primary classes are all busy planning for the trip. It should be quite interesting with over 80 K's.
    Take care
    Aurevoir mes amis

  5. Salut la famille! Wow, we're behind in our readings, trying to catch up on all the going-ons in Avignon. Time flies. Love the alley-way pics with the girls off to school. Sounds like school for the girls is working out and they are adjusting. Hope your own courses are off to a great start.
    Yes, the months of grey and wet are back, although there's not a cloud in the sky this morning in CHilliwack, there will be tomorrow as it's back to rain. Usual September start-up here, busy and hectic for the first few weeks. Finding my groove this week, starting to coast 'til Christmas now (at least at the middle school level) ;)
    Keep on truckin'
    Talk soon,

  6. hey you guys. Ryan and I were away for a week and I feel as though I am so behind in the blog. I was looking at Niagara Falls, thinking "I wonder what they are up to? I cant wait to see the next blog."
    The video is amazing. I miss their little voices so much. and those accents are to die for. Lily is so funny. they are turning into little French girls right before our eyes!
    Our girls are doing great, although the finances of education is a dire story! We went to meet the teacher night and discovered ... no pencil sharpeners (broken)... little paper... no staples... no white board markers... no money! welcome to Langley and a 14 million deficit! Well done! We have decided that the girls teachers are going to receive our donation contributions this year! Caitlyn is loving kindergarten although she is very very tired by the end of the day. I spent the day in the classroom with her on Friday and WOW there are some challenging personalities. The teacher has the patience of a saint! I look forward to hearing about the state of affairs in France.
    till next time, Karen
