One of the main motivations for coming to France for the year was to have a family adventure at a juncture in our lives when our kids are old enough to enjoy galavanting around Europe and young enough to not question the crazy adventure that mom and dad dreamed up. As I have discussed before, being able to accompany Lily on her numerous field trips has been one of the highlights of our stay. It has allowed me to hang out with Lily on numerous occasions and of course the field trips supply ample opportunities for me to laugh at myself. The feedback regarding the Lècher, Lacher story leads me to believe that many of you have been enjoying Lily and my outings as well. The other day I was chatting to Lily's teacher and told her that my friends were enjoying hearing of my little error in pronunciation. She smiled, turned away, then broke out in a laugh and said that her friends had enjoyed the story as well.
Besides giving me material for the blog, the outings have also provided me with a moniker that I quite enjoy. Papa Lily! It warms me when I arrive at school and Lily's classmates acknowledge me with a quick "Bonjour Papa Lily". I feel like I am part of the class. I volunteered for another couple of sorties in the past week that were great fun. On Friday, Lily's cultural education continued with a trip to the Avignon Opera to see the Avignon Ballet Company perform. It was spectacular! The Opera house is an amazing building right off of the main square in downtown Avignon. Lily was in the second row and sat with her hands on the seat in front of her for the entire show enthralled by the dancing and the music.
On Monday we returned to the scene of the crime. I got to practice my new found vocabulary and the students were fantastic at letting go of the rope this time. I was quite proud of myself. I think I have the most fun at gymnastics as I get to bring out my teacher voice from storage. Here is a photo of Lily in action: