Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Il Fait le Beau Temps!

Spring has definitely arrived in Avignon.  Today Lily, Grace and I spent the morning at Chico Mendes park (a 20 minute bus ride).  It was a wonderful time.  We enjoyed a high of about 20 degrees and gorgeous sunshine.  The girls had a great time picking flowers, playing in the park and just hanging out in the great outdoors.

My summer haircut came about three months earlier than usual but at least some of my hair might grow back by the time we return to Canada.

Enjoy the day and hello from Grace and Lily!


  1. Looks like a beautiful spring day in Avignon!

  2. I'm thinking that Gracie took the photo of Barry and Lily at the playground. Well done Grace!

  3. Ah Spring...hopefully it will come to us SOON!
    -10 and a wind chill is not what we want to experience towards the end of March. Looks like you had a wonderful day though :)

  4. Hey Henderson's- We were thinking spring today aussi! We cleaned off the patio, took out the furniture, had the outside speakers going, the girls had the bikes and scooters out. c'est fantastique, non? It looks quite a bit warmer where you are, but i wont complain one bit after reading Lois' comment. tragic!

    We are heading into an election Barry.... do you want me to post your NDP lawn poster to you? Can you vote from there? Surely there's a way...
    Love Nash's
