Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Club Med

On June 26th, after just over 10 months in Avignon, the four of us packed up and left our apartment for the final adventures that awaited us in France.  Our first stop was Club Med located in Royan on the west coast of France for a family reunion.  

The morning of the 26th started off inauspiciously as even though we had sent 5 suitcases ahead of us to Club Med, our remaining luggage would not fit into our friends car for the trip to the train station.  After multiple attempts at rearranging the same luggage into the same trunk space, we eventually managed to close the hatch and with a carry-on suitcase on each lap off to the train station we went.  While waiting for the train, Virginia and I stared at our pile of bags and wondered aloud how on earth we were going to manage the 8 hour train trip that included 1300 kilometres of travel, 2 train connections (one in Paris that required changing stations, the second in Angouleme that gave us 6 minutes to transfer trains), 4 very tired individuals and our seven pieces of luggage.  Needless to say it was time to reevaluate our luggage situation.  The first item not to make the cut was my one euro tool kit that I had purchased at a flea market held each Sunday not far from our apartment.  Though very much a symbolic gesture, leaving that small tool kit on a bench at the train station in Avignon has made it easier for me to jettison items at each stop over the last month, lightening our load ever so slightly.

The voyage to Royan was not enjoyable.  Each time we would get on or off the train, the blood would leave all my extremities as I put on a brave face for the family.  Externally I was calming Grace’s worries over missing our connection whilst internally I was as nervous as a grade 8 student on the first day of high school.   Verbally I was voicing “Don’t worry it will be no problem” whilst my mind was questioning how on earth would we be able to load and unload all our stuff during each 2 minute station stop. Fortunately at each stop there were people willing to readily help us and we made all our connections.  The closest call was in Angouleme when our train arrived 10 minutes late for our 6 minute connection but luckily they held the train for us and two train attendants helped us carry our load down and up the stairs.  As I calmly and slowly unloaded our baggage into the sweltering 38 degree heat at the Royan train station (the terminus of the train so no more worries), Virginia looked at me and softly said “never again.”

We arrived at the Club Med and I felt immediate relief as almost my entire family was there to greet us.  Each summer the Henderson family has a reunion with the siblings each taking their turn in choosing the local for the get together.  This year my brother Paul decided it was time to raise the bar and suggested everyone make the trip to Europe.  In all 14 members of the Henderson clan made the trek to Royan.

Club Med was my first experience with an all inclusive resort and I must say that I think that it will not be my last.  You literally don’t have to think about anything except for which of the 6 plats du jour you are going to eat.  We lazed around the pool (except when it was time for Aquagym and then I went for it!), went down to the beach, played tennis, had great family time, visited the neighbouring zoo, had some great bike trips, and ate and drank like kings (queens and princesses as well!).  Lily loved the independence the buffet afforded her.  One lunch she proudly returned to the table with a bowl of ice cream in each hand, saying that she had troubles deciding on vanilla or chocolate so she made the obvious choice and went with the double.  It was so much fun watching the girls spend such quality time with their extended family.   The only downside of the trip was my all inclusive experience came with a bit of food poisoning (thogh it was probably was the rotten apricot that I had brought from Avignon), but after a couple days in bed I was as good as new.   I was quite sad that my bout of sickness prevented me from obtaining my Club Med aquafit participation medal.  

For the four of us it was an incredible week spent with my parents, my two brothers and their families.  Virginia, I and the girls had been feeling quite homesick in June and seeing my family really made it possible to carry on with our adventure and fully enjoy our last five weeks in France.  It truly was a spectacular week.  Thanks mom and dad for making it all possible.

Lily and Grace at the zoo!

Lily was able to get a little closer to the animals than we North Americans are used to.

Grace and Lily just after their Spectacle!

Virginia and the girls had some great bike rides in the surrounding area.

My parents enjoying one of the amazing appetizer plates!

The girls both had lots of fun preparing for the kid's spectacle on the Thursday of our sejour.  They are both looking forward to returning home and beginning dance lessons again.

At the end of each evening all the kids would get up on stage and dance along to the oldie but goodie "Hey Baby!"  Three weeks later and Lily and Grace still do the dance at least once a day.


  1. Hi Barry and Virginia,
    What an amazing week with your family! Thanks for sharing. Loved the dance numbers. Those all-inclusive resorts are wonderful.
    Lorne and I had raised blood pressure and some very familiar heart palpatations just reading of more of your travel dilemmas. Glad it turned out well, but Oh My, you have had some close calls at train stations this past year!! We surely hope that the return trip back to Canada will be a fun one.
    We will have your old familiar beds re-assembled and ready to fall into, and I guarantee there will be no "Box of the Night" music to disturb your sleep!
    Love you guys,
    Mom XX

  2. hey guys,
    we can't wait to hear about all your adventures in France, enjoy your last holiday days! and safe travels back home!!!! Kim John and Kidlets

  3. We have been thinking that you have been incognito for the last little while and now we know why!! You have been living the life! I'm glad you had a great reunion. that really is something special, Well done Henderson Clan. can't wait to see you all,
